Apply for a place

Become a doer and a give-it-a-goer. Scouts ignore the butterflies and go for it, and soon so will you.

How does the waiting list work?

Once you’ve filled in the form we’ll check if there’s room in any of the Groups/Units you’ve requested. If there is then a volunteer will be in touch to offer a place and let you know when you can start.

If there’s no room then we will add you to our waiting list.

If you don’t hear from us, we appreciate your patience. Someone will only be in touch once a place becomes available.

If you would like your child to join a Group or Unit in Harlow & District, please enter your details in the form below. Your details will be stored in Online Scout Manager, which we use to manage youth members across the District.

Please be aware that, by submitting your details below, you are permitting Harlow District Scout Council to store and share the information supplied (with Scout Groups/Units within Harlow & District) in order to assist in finding your child a place.

Scouting in Harlow & District is entirely volunteer led, with thousands of hours donated weekly by over 100 adult volunteers, please consider volunteering.

"*" indicates required fields

Young Person's Details

Please enter the details of the young person who wishes to join.
Date of Birth*

Primary Parent/Carer's Contact Details

Please provide details of the young person’s primary contact.
Willing to Volunteer?*
We are always looking for new volunteers and we think you would fit right in! If you are able to volunteer you would be helping to create more spaces for young people in the local community.

Secondary Parent/Carer's Contact Details

Please provide details of the young person’s secondary contact.
Willing to Volunteer?*
We are always looking for new volunteers and we think you would fit right in! If you are able to volunteer you would be helping to create more spaces for young people in the local community.

Emergency Contact Details

Please provide details of a separate emergency contact (these details will only be used in an emergency and we cannot get hold of either the primary or secondary contacts).

Group Selection

Select all Groups/Units you would be willing to attend, the more choices you select the quicker we will be able to find you a place.

Terms and Conditions

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.